Monday, December 6, 2010

Thanksgiving stuff. Not to be confused with stuffing.

This post is dedicated to the often-forgotten, yet completely fantastic, holiday of Thansgiving.
THANKSGIVING EVE:  As some of you know and happily particpate in, the night before Thanksgiving is a great time to gather with friends, catch up, and consume some cocktails. Since I'm usually back in the greater Keystone area for the turkey holiday, this gathering has often taken place at the one and only Turner Hall. Well, the T-Hall was a bit too far away for me this year, so I discussed with friends and decided to host the "Wednesday-before-Thanksgiving-Party". I believe it might have been cousin Daron who, upon hearing his news, coined my party place as 'Turner Hall East'.  Indeed, it is east....pretty damn far east! So, long story short. I hosted. Lots of people came. Lots of wine and beer was consumed. Smoking took place outside. Music played on the jukebox (iPod dock). People left. All in all, much like being at the Turner Hall. Including the way I felt the following morning!

Gotta love the party pics!



You know it's a good party when this is your countertop                                                                                           

Who wouldn't wanna hang out with me? haha

LATER THAT EVENING...  A few of us decided it would be a good idea to continue the party down on the Cornish (where the clubs/bars are located). Well, being a Wednesday night in a country that doesn't really celebrate American Thanksgiving...there wasn't a whole lot going on. So, we ended up at T.G.I.Friday's. They had karaoke! But, it ended when we got there. We got a table and up walks our waiter. And he's wearing a Nebraska hat. Now, I'm gonna venture a guess and say he had no ties to Nebraska whatsoever. He may not have even known what it was. He was wearing the hat because it matched his snappy uniform. But, that didn't stop me from giving him dirty looks and originally making the poor guy think he had done something to offend me. Then he figured out that I was a silly female from the states giving him a hard time about a college/state he was unaware of. We were then best friends. :) 


THANKSGIVING- It was a fabulous day. Despite having a bit of a headache. And the fact that my

Randy carving turkey #2

corn & noodles dish wasn't so great. And the fact that my  banana bars were a gooey mess. It was STILL a fabulous day. Jim and Luann offered up their home and to host a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner. Jim  and  Randy  manned the turkeys, Luann headed up the rest of the kitchen, and we all pitched in with other fixin's. There was turkey, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. So, it was an official, fantastic Thanksgiving Day. Having friends while teaching abroad, like the ones I've been lucky enough to meet here, is truly a blessing. 
Jim and Luann, turkey torturers.


  1. TGIFridays, NE hat, bars, I feel as though you are back in the states! :) I bet your banana bars were amazing!!!
    My brother-in-law is headed for Afghanistan in January (deployed to TX for training right now) and weird to think he will be closer to you for a year than I will.
    BTW the bartender from your trip is H-O-T!!!! ;)

  2. Anonymous is Devon...this is my first time with the comment thing! :)

  3. haha. Thanks for commenting Devon. Not sure about the hot bartender. Maybe a bit, but not necessarily my type with the long flowing hair. :)
